Archive for the 'The Freelance Life' Category

Here’s to the hard times

So I’m two weeks into the full time freelancing, and I’ve been wanting to write a post about it, so here goes how I’m feeling today…

This is no doubt the scariest thing I’ve ever done. I was shit scared on my last day of work, and I’m still shit scared now. Why? Because I have absolutely no idea what work I might have in two weeks, or in two months. Which also means I have no idea how much money I’ll be making. When you all of a sudden find yourself diving into self employment sooner than expected, it’s a HUGE thing to get used to. No weekly pay cheque, and not much of a safe net.

In saying this, and as scared as I am, I have my freedom, and nothing can replace that. And there’s no other way I would have my life right now. It’s really hard to get used to all of this, but like I said in my first post, you have to constantly back yourself up, and put yourself out there as much as possible. Get noticed. Stand out from everyone else. That’s what’s gonna save you, and get you out the other side.

Last week I took it kind of easy, because it was pretty overwhelming in itself, but now I feel like I have to take it to the next level. I saw someone post on Twitter the other day, that as a creative, you have to constantly assess your branding, and what you stand for, and the kind of work you want to attract. It changes over time. And this could not be more true in my eyes. Which is why it’s become important to me to stand out from the crowd. Going with the crowd is gonna get you nowhere. You’re just gonna blend in, and no one will take any notice.

You have to question everything. Question who you are as a creative. Question why you do what you do. Do you do it just because its your ‘job’, or do you do it because its your lifestyle? Do you get insanely excited when you think about going to work?

I starting asking myself these questions about a year ago, and I began to really find out who I was, and what I wanted to do. And a year later, I quit my job, to start living my dream. I know that being a creative is what I want to do, 110%, so now is the time to literally give this everything. I understand that it won’t be easy, and I think you learn that as soon as you take that leap. But to be really successful, and to get where you want to be, I think it’s going to be better when you’re up there, knowing that you worked your ass off to get there. Right?

Here’s to the hard times, getting us to the good times.

*Sidenote.. I took the above photo this morning, at Palm Beach. I went to shoot the sunrise, then I hung out up there for a few hours. The weather today is absolutely perfect. Blue skies, a warm breeze, and about 26c. Sometimes it’s easy to forget how good you’ve got it. Most of the time things are never as bad as you think, and you’re never as stuck as you think you are.

Koskela + Kitchen by Mike

Now that I have more time on my hands, (and also the freedom to work anywhere), I’m hoping to get out and about more, and do more posts that feature cool digs in Sydney.

So I’m kicking it off with a (HUGE) bang. Some of you might have seen the post on The Design Files, about Koskela + Kitchen by Mike, a brand new showroom/cafe combination, in Rosebery, Sydney. After seeing one or two blog posts about it, I had to check it out for myself. And whoa is it amazing or what! If you’re in Sydney, this should defiantly be at the top of your ‘Must See/Go Hang out at’ list. I’ll be back for sure.

Koskela is an Australian furniture brand, and their brand new showroom also features loads of other Australian brands & artists, including Pony Rider, Kate Banazi (the wonder woman behind those fluro prints & notebooks), Castle, & heaps more!

Kitchen by Mike | Koskela

* I’ve added a new category called Sydney Digs, so in future you can find all your Sydney goodness in one place!


Freebie Monday | To Do List

So here I go on my new adventure of Full Time Freelancing…

I’m all about keeping things organised and on track, so I’ve got a few things up my sleeve to keep track of jobs, whats on etc, and this is one of my first ones. A weekly to-do list. I just wanted a little something to write quick notes & deadlines, so I can get a good look at the whole week, and not stuff everything in my diary.

I have an A4 notebook with all my design/freelance notes, so I’ll just stick these babies into that, so it’s still all in the one place.

A lot of the stuff I design to help myself, I’m just gonna upload it here & let you guys have at it too.

Click HERE to download!

*For personal use only. Please link back to Twelve by One if you are going to post this on your blog, do not upload to your site for download. Thanks kids!

Right Here. Right Now. | I Quit My Job!

So earlier this week I resigned from my job. Yep, you read correctly. I resigned. (I know the photo above has a plane in it, I’m not actually planning on leaving Sydney… Yet… I just liked the photo)

I’ve been picking up more and more freelance lately, and I’ve really been feeling the burn of the 9-5, as well as all my other work… So I decided enough was enough. And took the leap. So I’m now a FULL TIME FREELANCE DESIGNER!

Freelance is nothing new to me, as I have been doing it on the side for about 6 months or so (I’ve done things on and off since I was studying, but I’ll say I’ve been going harder at freelancing for the last 6 or 7 months), so this wasn’t a spare of the moment decision.
I’d been thinking about making the jump for a while, then one day, it hit me. There’s never going to be a ‘perfect’ time for anything, so why wait? Sure, I could have waited longer and saved up more money, but I’d waited long enough already. And since I’ve had the chance to freelance on the side for a little bit, I know what I’m getting myself into, so I don’t feel as though I’m going into it blind.

The thing that has kept me going, and will always keep me going, is trusting + having faith in yourself, 100%. For me personally, there is no room for negative thoughts. As soon as I made the decision to quit, I made the decision to put absolutely everything I’ve got into this.

Rach posted this awesome round up of quotes last week, and this one stuck out to me. It explains it perfectly.

I don’t think that could be any more spot on. You HAVE to trust that everything will be amazing. (I actually got lost in a YouTube spiral watching these videos of Oprah the other day too…)

I think it’s also important make sure you understand that it will not always be easy.
I might still have to work one or two days a week in an office/studio, or contracted to an agency, just to begin with, but knowing that the other 4 or 5 days are mine, to work wherever I want, and structure how I want, that’s what keeps me in the game.

I will defiantly be blogging about my new adventure, and sharing as much as I can, hopefully inspiring more people to do the same & start living their dream.
This is just a quick ‘I did it!!!!’ post, so I’ve got a few more in-depth ones lined up to post soon.

I’ve also got one or two ‘things’ to launch over the next couple of weeks, so keep your eyes peeled…

And I just want to say a HUGE HUGE Thank You to everyone for their congrats + good luck messages, you’re awesome.

Here’s to 2012!

*I’d love to know if anyone else has taken the leap this year, and what you’re doing to prepare/get jobs etc… Or if you’ve done it and have any stellar tips!

Hey! I'm Sian, and I’m a free-spirited creative wizard. I have a passion for working with people who are on a mission to live their dream lives, and are electrified by the unknown beauty that the future holds. Twelve by One is my place to share awesome finds + write about this amazing world we're living in. Read more here!


*All photos are my own unless otherwise stated. Please credit me if you're going to post them anywhere. Thanks yo!